A History of Impact

Our history is more than just dates—it’s a story of impact, resilience, and generosity. From the founding of Sonya’s Glitz and Glamour to the milestones that have shaped our journey, this timeline reflects our commitment to empowering women in need.


January 1, 2019

The Vision

Founder had a desire to help homeless women after a sentimental encounter with a lady client who was transitioning from a Dallas Homeless Shelter to her new apartment.


January 7, 2019

First Purse Purchase

Founder purchased 10 new purses and collected her 75 pieces of her new personal costume jewelry to begin giving in street outreach missions to homeless women as a token that they are not forgotten.


January 10, 2019

Creation of the Name

Founder named her mission Sonya’s Glitz and Glamour Boutique.


January 16, 2019

First Purse Drive

Sonya’s Glitz and Glamour had a purse drive collecting 114 purses from the donors from Mississippi and 121 purses from donors in Texas.


February 2, 2019

First Community Outreach

Sonya’s Glitz and Glamour Boutique participated in its first outreach mission providing scarves, jewelry cosmetics and 100 purses to homeless women at the Homeless Service Expo in downtown Dallas Kay Bailey Hutchins Expo Center.


June 18, 2019

Adopted Adult Daycare

Sonya’s Glitz and Glitz and Glamour expanded its community service outreach mission in sisterhood and adopted the ladies at Tender Loving Care Adult Day care in Cleveland, MS providing them with purses and jewelry.

501(c)(3) Status

May 4, 2021

Recognized as 501(c)(3) Nonprofit

Sonya’s Glitz and Glamour Boutique became an exempt 501c3 Nonprofit with a team of 4 board members and 2 volunteers.

Board Meeting

May 10, 2021

First Board Meeting

Sonya’s Glitz and Glamour Boutique had its first board meeting to discuss the mission vision and values for the organization.


January 12, 2022

Creation of Building Bonds and Restoring Hope

With growth, Sonya’s Glitz and Glamour Boutique birthed a second exempt 501c3 nonprofit called Building Bonds and Restoring Hope with provides a pop up snack pantry for the unsheltered as well as numerous service projects giving back to the community.


May 5, 2024

2024 World Trumpet International Award

Sonya’s Glitz and Glamour Boutique’s Founder Won 2024 World Trumpet International Honor Award for being one of the men and women making a difference around the world.


January 1, 2025

Expanding Services & Strengthening Sisterhood

Sonya’s Glitz and Glamour Boutique celebrated 6 years in outreach and expanded its services to include from homeless women, women in need in the community and women in sisterhood. Our resources for women now include purses, scarves, jewelry, shoes, cosmetics, hair products, hygiene items, clothing – all set up as a pop up shop for women to choose free of charge.